
Salesforce migration

Transferring data to SalesForce cloud platform is a complicated and responsible process, that's why Techinlab pays special attention to it

Preparatory phase

Prior to the migration launch, there is a preparation phase. The importance of preparation cannot be minimized, as there are many requirements:

  • Data mapping, which involves mapping source fields to destination fields
  • Checking the information for an entity, which acts as a prerequisite for interpretation. If the entity is not present, it will be added
  • Providing the ability to update the data, as well as manage it
  • Creating conditions for data recovery and using the return function in case of an error
  • Using different migration methods to prevent quality and management issues.
    Data protection during migration

Techinlab uses a set of methods to secure information during migration

Reviewing and, if necessary, deactivating workflows, triggers
Importing by strict order
Sandbox testing
Information backup


Common migration options are importing data from another platform into SalesForce and from one organization into another (when the business includes several companies and departments)

The tools used for importing into Techinlab are:

  1. SalesForce Import Wizard, which functions in the web application of the same name and transfers up to 50,000 records at a time
  2. Salesforce Data Loader, which adds, corrects and deletes information from the ecosystem and applies an API to simplify migration
  3. IsyncSF is a migration application with options to clean up information and create templates

Types of migration:

Software migration

Migration from the alternative CRM might be a challenging process, as different CRM uses different data formats. Reformatting and mapping them to match the Salesforce data migration requirements takes time, effort, and planning

Migration from another Salesforce Org

We execute data migration from the Salesforce platform or any other external one to the new Salesforce Org. Our qualified professionals assure that imported objects have a particular order to maintain record relationships

Techinlab has extended expertise in migration of business’s existing applications/websites to Magento framework steering clear of any downtime and loss of data.

What is included in the service?

Project assessment, interviews and meetings
Migration plan and terms of reference, data cleansing
Technical work, data export and import, security review and testing
Training, consulting and technical support after migration

Stages of work

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In the process of rendering support and maintenance services company specialists use methods of brainstorming, benchmarking and interviewing, data and process modeling, risk analysis, root cause and requirements analysis. After the initial stage, the priority tasks are defined and a solutions specification is developed, an estimate is made and agreed upon with the customer. During project implementation, analysts perform quality control.