

Techinlab provides fundamental expertise gained through experience in your industry and knowledge of best practices that will be applied to your processes and connect technology to your business goals and your success.
Our team of Salesforce Certified Business Consultants takes a close look at all your business processes, from interactions with prospects to marketing campaigns and customer data collection across multiple channels, while providing a 360-degree view of your prospects.

Salesforce consulting

Our Salesforce Consulting services are targeted to support and evolve your sales, marketing and customer service outcomes.

You might need our Salesforce Consulting services if:

You are considering migration onto the Salesforce

Your current Salesforce performance needs optimization or is experiencing adoption issues

Your business needs custom automation of complex business processes

Consulting formats

  • Technical supervision of the implementation
  • Outsourced consultant or business analyst
  • Search and elimination of frequent problems, bugs, failures or inhibitions, increased load on the portal
  • Assessment of the quality and completeness of the terms of reference
  • Evaluation of the quality and functionality of the code

What is included in the service?

Project assessment, interviews and meetings
Drawing up terms of reference
Technical works, trial and test runs, data import
Training, consulting and technical support after implementation

An individual approach from the first consultation is the key to obtaining the most effective implementation result. We study in detail all the business processes of the company, and at all stages of work with clients we maintain close contact with the key experts in the working areas. It often happens that companies are already using Salesforce, but want to improve or refine it. Our certified experts, after a detailed study of your business processes, can supplement your existing ecosystem or sufficiently customize it.

Stages of work

In the process of executing consulting tasks, the company's experts apply the methods of brainstorming, benchmarking and interviewing, modeling data and processes, performing risk analysis, root cause and requirements. After the initial stage of the project priorities are defined and the specification of solutions is worked out, the cost is estimated prepared and agreed with the customer. During project implementation, analysts perform quality control.

Get in Touch

We have a vast pool of talented developers ready to jump into your project immediately.


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